My name is Mallory. I am apprentice to Mr. Bartholamew, the town apothocary. An apothocary makes and prescribes medicine to sick townspeople. I'm learning how to use spices the right ways, chopping the herbs, mixing liquids with spices, baking the medicines, and putting them on the shelves, ready to buy. Then, because I was so good, we made treats with buttermilk, cinnamon, and vanilla flowers. We made caramels! yum!!! I took some of the caramels home in a baggy. I'm so excited to be an apothocary.
Dear Malory,
ReplyDeletePlease give me the recipe for those yummy buttermilk candies you made. They sound delicious. Would also love to hear about some of your actual remedies like which herbs work for colds or headaches, which herbs aid digestion. I bet you can still find some of those natural remedies in Helath Food stores now.
Ms. Felicity
Dear Malory:
ReplyDeleteIt is always wonderful to hear someone say how much they enjoy their work! You seem to have a lot of passion for your mixtures. Do you make anything for the farm animals? I think our cat needs some digestives.
Me. Rose
About the buttermilk candies, I took vanilla flower petals, cinnamon, and buttermilk. I liked it a lot because they're REALLY sweet. Sometimes I made mistakes like putting in too much salt and too much sugar and when I gave a sample to someone they started acting strange.